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google-protobuf 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 google-protobuf

temporalio 0.1.1

An SDK for implementing workflows and activities in Ruby

2,515 下载

anmol_2_cortex_client_ruby 0.1.0

Client to push resource to cortex

2,497 下载

ved_decoder 1.0.0

VedDecoder is a decoder for the Google ved parameter

2,367 下载

sigstore_protobuf_specs 0.3.2

A library for serializing and deserializing Sigstore messages.

2,312 下载

gis-protobuf 1.0.4

GIS ProtoBuf module

2,310 下载

wikipaddle_cartographer 0.1.2

Client library for the cartographer service.

2,278 下载

tensorflow-ruby 0.2.0

Tensorflow bindings for ruby

2,274 下载

grpc-z 1.11.1

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

2,243 下载

sbmt-kafka_consumer 2.6.0

This gem is used for consuming Kafka messages. It represents a wrapper over Karafka gem...

2,217 下载

gitaly-z 0.30.1

Auto-generated gRPC client for gitaly.

2,168 下载

google-events 0.5.0

This library includes Google CloudEvents types for Ruby

2,151 下载

gitaly-proto-z 0.118.1

Auto-generated gRPC client for gitaly.

2,060 下载

grpc_serializer 1.0

A simple gem for nested grpc message encoding and decoding

2,032 下载

gitaly-proto-flamingo1 0.118.1

Auto-generated gRPC client for gitaly.

2,028 下载

fluentd-plugin-kinesis-intuit 2.1.1

Fluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis.

2,004 下载

gitaly-flamingo 0.30.0

Auto-generated gRPC client for gitaly.

2,002 下载

google-geo-type 0.2.0

Common protocol buffer types used by client libraries

1,946 下载

nwitch_grpc_client 0.1.0

Acts as a Ruby gem for the nwitch gRPC proxy.

1,881 下载

google-apps-card-v1 0.4.0

Common protocol buffer types used by client libraries

1,868 下载

caraml-upi-protos 0.0.1

Universal Prediction Interface codegen proto

1,855 下载

manga_plus-api 0.1.0

Thin API layer for the MangaPlus manga site

1,842 下载

fluent-plugin-upi-logs 0.0.0

Fluentd parser custom plugin that can parse UPI logs (PredictionLog and RouterLog - ...

1,662 下载

kinesis-aggregation 0.1.0

Read and write AWS KPL aggregate messages

1,661 下载

facsimile 0.0.1.pre1

Seamless type casting for Protobuf

1,593 下载

dapr-ruby 1.13.2

Dapr SDK for Ruby

1,592 下载

iugu-docs-theme 0.2.3

Jekyll Standard Theme for Iugu Documentation

1,457 下载

protobuf_transpiler 1.1.2

This gem provides a quick way to generate annotated ruby stubs for protobufs leveraging...

1,365 下载

sc2ai 0.0.6

This is a Ruby interface to STARCRAFT® II. Write your own AI using an easy interface an...

1,315 下载

nuva 0.1.7

nuva library aims to simplify working and interacting with the NUVA nomenclature throug...

1,306 下载

quorum_sdk 0.3.0

A API wrapper for Quorum

1,250 下载

下载总量 270,239,259

这个版本 3,914



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.0
