RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para gemcutter La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren gemcutter

authgen 0.0.1

This generator can add powerful authentication and authorization to a clean Rails appli...

5.966 Descargas

doublehelix 1.0

doublehelix obfuscates Ruby codes in Double-helix style. This is inspired by Perl's Acm...

5.874 Descargas

strace_me 1.0

A wrapper around strace(1) that allows you to perform targetted tracing of a block. st...

5.619 Descargas

config_fu 0.1.3

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5.534 Descargas

edouard-clarity 0.9.9

Clarity - a log search tool By John Tajima & Tobi Lütke Clarity is a Splunk like web i...

5.336 Descargas

cool_extensions 0.0.2

Some interesting extensions to your favorite ruby object types

5.331 Descargas

dcolthorp-bistro_car 0.2

BistroCar serves up {CoffeeScript}[] from wit...

5.221 Descargas

sbt 0.7.3

FIX (describe your package)

5.209 Descargas

hoe-gemcutter 1.0.0

Adds gemcutter release automation to Hoe.

5.203 Descargas

ironruby-sqlserver 0.1.0

Wires up ActiveRecord to use SQLServer through IronRuby.

5.166 Descargas

pre-johnson 2.0.0

Johnson wraps JavaScript in a loving Ruby embrace. It embeds the Mozilla SpiderMonkey J...

5.166 Descargas

cloudmk 1.2

FIX (describe your package)

5.135 Descargas

episodic-platform 0.9

Ruby client library for Episodic's Platform REST API For more information about Episod...

5.123 Descargas

jwagener-nokogiri 1.4.1

Nokogiri (鋸) is an HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser. Among Nokogiri's many features i...

5.057 Descargas

phuby 1.0.0

Phuby wraps PHP in a loving embrace. Exposes a PHP runtime in ruby

5.035 Descargas

kiwi 1.0.0

FIX (describe your package)

4.979 Descargas

haml-sass-converters-rubymine-plugin 0.1.0

Provides convenient converters for HAML/SASS as plugin for RubyMine IDE.

4.924 Descargas

haml-sass-converters-rubymine-plugin 0.1.0

Provides convenient converters for HAML/SASS as plugin for RubyMine IDE.

4.924 Descargas

license_generator 0.0.1

Choose the license and generate required documents

4.870 Descargas

jsrat 0.0.0

A JavaScript framework for writing intergration tests, a la Webrat and Capybara. Not y...

4.720 Descargas

picasa_plucker 1.0.0

PicasaPlucker downloads all images from a Picasa web album. Your friends use Picasa (h...

4.661 Descargas

pfsc-gruff 0.3.6

Beautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.

4.610 Descargas

pfsc_gruff 0.3.6

Beautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.

4.592 Descargas

sinatra_respond_to 0.3.7

A respond_to style Rails block for baked-in web service support in Sinatra

4.555 Descargas

rubygems-source-cli 0.0.1

Patches for gem serve, gem push, gem yank, and some utilities to allow use of non-Rubyg...

4.161 Descargas

mvn_plugin_config 1.0.0

Opens list of maven plugins in browser's window with the ability to see configuration f...

3.699 Descargas

oracle_client_provision 1.0.0

Thor-based tasks for installing oracle client.

3.422 Descargas

vinted-raty 0.0.2

Integrates jquery-raty into the Rails 3 asset pipeline.

2.786 Descargas

Total de descargas 1.551.186

Para esta versión 690.238

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
