faye-websocket 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 faye-websocket
binance 1.2.0
API Wrapper for the Binance cryptocurrency exchange.
84,913 下載
cucumber-pro 0.0.17
Client library for publishing results to the Cucumber Pro service
82,949 下載
ki 0.4.12
it said optional
71,918 下載
grenache-ruby-http 0.2.21
http client for Grenache
63,878 下載
slackbot_frd 0.5.0
The slack web api is good, but very raw. What you need is a great ruby framework to ab...
63,240 下載
slack-bot-server 0.4.7
This software lets you write and host multiple slack bots, potentially for multiple dif...
62,007 下載
combi 0.4.0
Provides implementation for in process, amqp or web socket service bus
57,591 下載
grenache-ruby-base 0.2.18
Grenache Base Client implementation.
57,268 下載
octodown 1.9.2
GitHub Markdown straight from your shell.
57,220 下載
edi 0.4.9
Chatbot Application Framework for Slack Chat Rooms
54,586 下載
boty 1.0.1
Boty is intendted to be a framework for construction of automa...
53,653 下載
libfchat 2.0
A library for connecting to F-chat ( http://f-list.net )
50,157 下載
solana_rpc_ruby 1.3.1
This gem allows to use JSON RPC API from solana.
49,118 下載
signalwire 2.5.0
Ruby client for Signalwire
45,663 下載
rancher-api 0.7.0
Ruby gem to easily connect to Rancher API. Via this gem you can do anything that API le...
44,982 下載
janus_gateway 0.0.15
janus-gateway API client
43,178 下載
rack-stream 0.0.5
Rack middleware for building multi-protocol streaming rack endpoints
42,686 下載
viaduct-toolkit 1.0.12
A set of useful tools to help developers use & manage their Viaduct applications.
40,238 下載
bitfinex-rb 1.0.8
Official Bitfinex API ruby wrapper
39,932 下載
turntabler 0.3.5
Turntable.FM API for Ruby
39,166 下載
lds-cf-plugin 0.4.4
Cloud Foundry commands for LDS PaaS.
39,045 下載
rippler 0.0.15
Command line client for Ripple payment platform
39,010 下載
peatio_client 0.0.7
A ruby client which can access all Peatio's API.
37,727 下載
pimon 0.2.0
Pimon is a simple server monitor designed for the Raspberry Pi.
37,383 下載
metybur 0.4.3
Metybur lets your Ruby application connect to a Meteor app. It allows you to subscr...
37,080 下載
scale.rb 0.3.2
Ruby implementation of the parity SCALE data format
36,779 下載
wamp_client 0.2.2
An implementation of The Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP)
36,753 下載
tail-cf-plugin 0.0.22.pre
CF command line tool to tail CF Application Logs
33,897 下載
grenache-ruby-ws 0.2.13
Websocket client for Grenache
33,360 下載
laziness 0.2.6
Laziness wraps the Slack API in a Ruby gem so Ruby programs can easily communicate with...
32,720 下載