RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para faye-websocket La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren faye-websocket

socker 0.0.4

A simple lib that helps you build awesome websockets apps

11.316 Descargas

power_strip 1.0.0

Push data from server to client with Ruby

11.051 Descargas

slack_game 0.2.0

Play games on slack

10.936 Descargas

startback-websocket 0.17.4

Websocket on top of the Startback framework

10.367 Descargas

repp 0.4.0

Repp is a chat service interface

10.216 Descargas

configly-ruby 1.0.0

Configly SDK gem

10.104 Descargas

rbkubemq 0.1.3

Ruby driver for KubeMQ

9.876 Descargas

bibox 0.1.4

Ruby REST + Websocket clients for crypto currency exchange Bibox's API

9.782 Descargas

nylas-legacy 5.18.0

Gem for interacting with the Nylas API v2.

9.633 Descargas

nylas-legacy 5.18.0

Gem for interacting with the Nylas API v2.

9.633 Descargas

pnut 0.3.1

Convenient wrapper library around the API

9.581 Descargas

coin_falcon 0.0.3

Ruby library for the CoinFalcon API.

9.339 Descargas

ruby-cqhttp 0.1.3

一个基于 OneBot 标准的 QQ 机器人框架

9.304 Descargas

ammu_socket_manager 0.1.1

Ammu Socket Manager is a simple WebSocket Manager that absracts the task of creating an...

9.263 Descargas

simple-slack-bot 0.2.0

You can easily make Slack Bot!!!

8.843 Descargas

ortc 0.1.2

ORTC aka Realtime Cloud Messaging provides a standard software API for sending and rece...

8.783 Descargas

ladybug 0.1.3

Debug Ruby code using Chrome Devtools

8.696 Descargas

lita-sonos-commander 1.1.2

Control your Sonos with Lita chatbot commands

8.553 Descargas

slack-rtm-receiver 0.1.1

Connects to Slack Real Time Messaging (RTM) API to receive events. Runs on EventMachine...

8.528 Descargas

mosesacs-sdk 0.0.4

Library to connect to mosesacs daemon (

8.521 Descargas

rsk_snitch 0.1.3

Check if a node is reporting stats in Can be used as lib or executable.

8.360 Descargas

crampy 0.15.4

Crampy is a fork of Cramp, a framework for developing asynchronous web applications.

8.024 Descargas

wwl-websocket-rails 0.7.3

Seamless Ruby on Rails websocket integration. Forked from websocket-rails by wonderwebl...

7.906 Descargas

rncher 0.1.3


7.770 Descargas

senrigan 0.2.0

Slack timeline viewer

7.672 Descargas


SockJS is a WebSocket emulation library. It means that you use the WebSocket API, only ...

7.597 Descargas

blinkman-slack 0.1.2

Blinkman adapter for Slack Realtime API.

7.485 Descargas

nucleus 0.3.1

Nucleus is a unified API for deployment and management of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) ...

7.221 Descargas

terminal_chess 0.2.0

Two player chess game through the terminal

7.088 Descargas

flex_bullet 0.0.2

To do

6.993 Descargas

Total de descargas 34.932.697

Para esta versión 3.433.357

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
