Dependencias inversas para faye-websocket La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren faye-websocket
pg_rails 7.6.20
Rails goodies.
31.208 Descargas
yatapp 0.5.5
This gem allows for easy integration with Yata to fetch translation files from the service
30.127 Descargas
docker_cloud 0.3.0
Ruby implementation of the HTTP REST API
29.505 Descargas
slack-keep-presence 0.1.14
Mark your Slack user as active when auto-away kicks in
26.023 Descargas
clientside 0.5
A simple Rack middleware and JavaScript generator for basic remote method invocation ov...
24.735 Descargas
fluent-plugin-sakuraio 0.2.1
fluentd plugin for
23.536 Descargas
cf-trade-client 0.2.1
Client to trade on the Coinfloor platform using their API.
22.420 Descargas
logstream 2.0.0
Logstream is an Acquia service for streaming logs from Acquia Cloud.
21.230 Descargas
engine2 1.0.9
Tree based routing framework with scaffolding support
20.965 Descargas
viaduct-api 1.0.7
A full client library allows requests to made to the Viaduct API.
20.061 Descargas
bitmex-api 0.1.6
Fully-featured, idiomatic Ruby library for BitMEX API
19.808 Descargas
alphapoint 0.1.7
Alphapoint websocket DSL is to easy request and listen event
19.291 Descargas
realtime-slackbot 1.1.2
Library for making realtime bots and responding to messages
19.238 Descargas
network_executive 0.0.8
An experimental application used to drive displays hung around an office.
18.560 Descargas
binnacle 0.5.0
Binnacle Distributed Logging and Push Service. See
18.310 Descargas
codenjoy-client 0.1.009
This client tools for play
17.210 Descargas
codenjoy-client 0.1.009
This client tools for play
17.210 Descargas
drb-websocket 0.5.1
A druby protocol of WebSocket.
17.015 Descargas
straight-server 1.0.0
Accepts orders via http, returns payment info via http or streams updates via websocket...
16.779 Descargas
coinbase-exchange 0.2.0
Client library for Coinbase Exchange
16.374 Descargas
slack_bot-events 0.4.4
Describe the gem here
16.052 Descargas
ducts-client 0.4.5
APIs of DUCTS for ruby clients.
15.122 Descargas
em-wssh 0.7.1
Proxy SSH connection through Websocket (nginx)
14.999 Descargas
rasti-web-broadcaster 2.0.0
Enable server sent events with rack middleware implemented over Faye and Broadcaster (R...
13.252 Descargas
scalingo-ruby-api 2.0.1
Ruby wrapper around the web API of
13.049 Descargas
console-websocket-cf-plugin 0.0.4
CF command line extension to allow console access to an app container via a secure WebS...
12.924 Descargas
convox_api_client 0.3.0
Ruby API client for the Convox platform
12.504 Descargas
clearwater-hot_loader 0.4.1
Reload your Clearwater app without refreshing the browser
12.320 Descargas
wamp 0.0.4
A Ruby implementation of the WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol) WebSocket subpro...
12.011 Descargas
byld-cli 0.0.10
cli for byld
11.678 Descargas