RubyGems Navigation menu

capybara 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 capybara

test-unit-capybara 1.1.1

test-unit-capybara is a Capybara adapter for test-unit 2. You can get [Capybara](https:...

310,624 下載


Enable librarians, curators, and others who are responsible for digital collections to ...

309,991 下載

evergreen 1.3.0

Run Jasmine JavaScript unit tests, integrate them into Ruby applications.

309,200 下載

domino 0.11.0

Make it easier to deal with UI elements by providing an interface that decouples yo...

305,878 下載

bddfire 3.0.2

A Wholesale framework for web, mobile, api, load, accessibility testing. Get you going ...

305,378 下載

eyes_capybara 6.3.5

Provides Capybara support for Applitools Selenium SDK

298,621 下載

enju_biblio 0.3.18

Bibliographic record module for Next-L Enju

292,323 下載

kuhsaft 2.6.3

Kuhsaft is a Rails engine that offers a simple CMS.

288,791 下載

papercrop 0.3.0

An easy extension for Paperclip to crop your image uploads using jCrop

285,195 下載

qtip2-jquery-rails 2.2.100

Provides the `qTip2` jQuery plugin packaged for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.

282,326 下載

lumber 1.2.2

Lumber tries to make it easy to use the more robust log4r logging system within your ra...

274,863 下載

bootstrap_forms 4.0.1

Bootstrap Forms makes Twitter's Bootstrap on Rails easy to use by creating helpful form...

270,826 下載

camaleon_cms 2.7.5

Camaleon CMS is a dynamic and advanced content management system based on Ruby on Rails...

266,420 下載

adops_report_scrapper 0.2.52

Adops Report Scrapper is a collection of web scrappers that can automatically extract t...

264,438 下載

enju_event 0.3.5

Event management for Next-L Enju

256,768 下載

govuk_admin_template 7.0.0

Styles, scripts and templates for GOV.UK admin applications

256,198 下載

nfg_ui 6.16.3

The embodied design system for Network for Good.

254,156 下載

redirector 1.1.7

A Rails engine that adds a piece of middleware to the top of your middleware stack that...

252,118 下載

blacklight_range_limit 8.5.0

Blacklight Range Limit plugin

252,064 下載

kaminari-mongo_mapper 1.0.1

kaminari-mongo_mapper lets your MongoMapper models be paginatable

246,437 下載

blacklight_advanced_search 7.0.0

Blacklight Advanced Search plugin

245,499 下載

effective_test_bot 1.5.12

A shared library of rails model & system tests that should pass in every Rails applicat...

244,724 下載

decidim-dev 0.28.1

Utilities and tools we need to develop Decidim

238,574 下載

capybara-puma 1.0.1

A Capybara server replacement using the Puma webserver

236,130 下載

thredded 1.1.0

The best Rails 6.0+ forums engine ever. Its goal is to be as simple and feature rich as...

235,248 下載

activeadmin_sortable_table 1.3.0

Drag and drop reordering interface for ActiveAdmin tables

234,646 下載

filterer 2.0.0

Filterer lets your users easily filter results from your ActiveRecord models.

231,279 下載

adminpanel 3.6.1

Gem that focus on making a public site's resources very quickly while being very config...

230,450 下載

rollout_ui 0.3.0

A UI for James Golick's rollout gem

228,515 下載

hyrax 5.0.1

Hyrax is a featureful Samvera front-end based on the latest and greatest Samvera softwa...

225,313 下載

總下載次數 236,757,067

這個版本 10,122,013



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
