RubyGems Navigation menu

capybara 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 capybara


Lalala: Probably the best CMS in the world

406,502 下載

attachinary 1.3.1

Attachments handler for Rails that uses Cloudinary for storage.

405,902 下載

caren-api 0.12.5

You can use this gem as inspiration of the base of your connections with Caren.

401,499 下載

woople-theme 0.10.0

All Front-End all the Time

391,220 下載

volt 0.9.6

A reactive Ruby web framework where your Ruby code runs on both the server and the clie...

390,351 下載

smart_listing 1.2.3

Ruby on Rails data listing gem with built-in sorting, filtering and in-place editing.

382,720 下載

beanstalkd_view 2.0.0

A Sinatra app to view/manage beanstalkd queues that can be embedded in a Rails app simi...

382,051 下載

actionview-component 1.17.0

MOVED to view_component.

381,265 下載

rodauth 2.35.0

Rodauth is Ruby's most advanced authentication framework, designed to work in all rack ...

380,290 下載

browse-everything 1.3.0

AJAX/Rails engine file browser for cloud storage services

378,178 下載

blacklight-gallery 4.4.1

Gallery display for Blacklight

374,198 下載

touch_action 1.3.3

Adds touch gestures simulation to Watir, Selenium and Capybara using YUI JS.

373,623 下載

sweet-alert-confirm 0.5.0

A Rails confirm replacement with SweetAlert

368,952 下載

view_component_storybook 0.12.1

Generate Storybook CSF JSON for rendering Rails View Components in Storybook NOTE: A...

363,383 下載

magic_test 0.1.0

Create system tests interactively.

356,523 下載

unobtrusive_flash 3.3.1

unobtrusive_flash takes your flash messages for the backend and automagically passes th...

355,602 下載

wiselinks 1.2.1

Wiselinks makes following links and submitting some forms in your web application smart...

355,059 下載

turbolinks_render 0.9.21

Use render in your Rails controllers and handle the response with Turbolinks.

354,827 下載

activeadmin-selleo-cms 0.0.61

ActiveAdmin CMS extension

350,523 下載

acceptance_test 1.11.7

Description: simplifies congiguration and run of acceptance tests.

342,548 下載

confidence-check 1.0.1

Assert that the conditions of your test are correct before testing

337,804 下載

ae_page_objects 6.3.0

Capybara Page Objects pattern.

336,293 下載

capybara-webmock 0.7.0

Mock external requests for Capybara JavaScript drivers

333,079 下載

auto_test 1.0

Automatic Testing Tool

332,025 下載

paloma 6.1.0

Page-specific javascript for Rails done right

330,731 下載

hydra-editor 6.2.0

A basic metadata editor for hydra-head

330,232 下載

jquery-tmpl-rails 1.1.0

Adds the jQuery Templates plugin and a corresponding Sprockets engine to the asset pipe...

329,726 下載

openseadragon 0.6.0

OpenSeadragon is a javascript library for displaying tiling images. This gem packages t...

325,442 下載

activeadmin-ajax_filter 0.7.0

Allows to define form inputs and filters by relation for ActiveAdmin resource pages usi...

312,736 下載

lockup 1.7.1

A simple gem to more elegantly place a staging server or other in-progress application ...

311,973 下載

總下載次數 236,384,350

這個版本 9,900,447



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
