RubyGems Navigation menu

capybara 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 capybara

switch_user 1.5.4

Easily switch current user to speed up development

2,055,282 下載

raygun4ruby 4.0.0

Ruby Adapter for Raygun

2,027,082 下載

spinach-rails 0.2.1

spinach-rails adds Rails support to spinach

2,021,904 下載

rspec-cells 0.3.9

Use render_cell in your specs.

1,948,007 下載

xray-rails 0.3.2

Provides a dev bar and an overlay in-browser to visualize your UI's rendered partials

1,827,465 下載

capybara-select-2 0.5.1

Capybara helpers for select box (supports Select2 versions 2/3/4)

1,822,364 下載

rails_email_preview 2.2.3

A Rails Engine to preview plain text and html email in your browser

1,805,800 下載

paperclip_database 3.1.0

To have all your data in one place: the database

1,783,302 下載

activeadmin-searchable_select 1.8.0

Use searchable selects based on Select2 in Active Admin forms and filters.

1,776,029 下載

webpacker-react 0.3.2

Provides React integration for Webpacker

1,707,326 下載

browser-timezone-rails 1.1.0

The browser timezone is set on the Time#zone

1,694,244 下載

good_job 3.29.5

A multithreaded, Postgres-based ActiveJob backend for Ruby on Rails

1,682,670 下載

devise_ldap_authenticatable 0.8.7

Devise extension to allow authentication via LDAP

1,681,043 下載

capybara-angular 0.3.0

Capybara API that knows how to wait for Angular in end to end specs

1,626,173 下載

kaminari-grape 1.0.1

kaminari-grape connects Kaminari and Grape

1,611,971 下載

doorkeeper-mongodb 5.4.0

Doorkeeper Mongoid ORM extension

1,595,179 下載

solidus_gateway 1.3.0

Additional Payment Gateways for Solidus

1,584,782 下載

spreewald 4.6.2

A collection of cucumber steps we use in our projects, including steps to check HTML, t...

1,528,207 下載

carrierwave_direct 3.0.0

Process your uploads in the background by uploading directly to S3

1,517,926 下載

kapnismology 2.6.1

Engine for smoke tests and base classes

1,513,775 下載

sauce 3.7.2

[DEPRECATED] A Ruby helper for running tests in Sauce Labs' browser testing cloud servi...

1,496,906 下載

devise-pwned_password 0.1.12

Devise extension that checks user passwords against the PwnedPasswords dataset https://...

1,491,158 下載

fancybox2-rails 0.2.8

This gem provides jQuery FancyBox 2 for your Rails 3.1/4.0 application. This gem is bas...

1,457,659 下載

govuk_publishing_components 39.0.0

A gem to document components in GOV.UK frontend applications

1,392,760 下載

minitest-capybara 0.9.0

Capybara matchers support for minitest unit and spec

1,378,853 下載

formulaic 0.4.2

Removes the tedium of formulaic form filling with Capybara by allowing you to speci...

1,376,790 下載

minitest-rails-capybara 3.0.2

Adds Capybara feature tests in Minitest and Rails.

1,368,508 下載

sextant 0.2.4

Sextant is a Rails engine that quickly shows the routes available

1,355,176 下載

blacklight 8.3.0

Blacklight is an open source Solr user interface discovery platform. You can use Bl...

1,345,335 下載

nested_form_fields 0.8.4

Rails gem for dynamically adding and removing nested has_many association fields in a f...

1,329,688 下載

總下載次數 235,476,500

這個版本 9,381,519



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0.0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
