RubyGems Navigation menu

actionview 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 actionview

editor_js 0.4.0

It validates, parses, and renders content from editorjs

44,436 下载

vue-rails-form-builder 0.8.3

This gem provides four view helpers for Rails app: vue_form_with, vue_form_for, vue_tag...

44,245 下载

ttl2html 2.0.10

Static site generator for RDF/Turtle

42,246 下载

activerecord-userstamp 3.0.4

This gem extends ActiveRecord::Base to add automatic updating of created_by and updated...

41,739 下载

bs_form_builder 0.2.3

A Rails form builder for bootstrap style forms.

40,658 下载

quby-compiler 0.5.10

Quby::Compiler compiles a DSL for questionnaires to JSON

40,535 下载

global_error_handler 1.2.3

On the middleware level catch an exception from Rails app and store in the separated Re...

39,340 下载

openproject-primer_view_components 0.47.0

ViewComponents of the Primer Design System for OpenProject

39,233 下载

killbill-orbital 0.1.18

Kill Bill payment plugin for Orbital.

37,814 下载

file_column_with_s3 0.3.0

File attachment library for ruby

37,396 下载

kono_utils 1.1.4

Gemma per che raccoglie varie tipologie di classi di utilità varia che possono servire ...

37,394 下载

killbill-stripe 6.0.1

Kill Bill payment plugin for Stripe.

37,246 下载

iesde 2.2.2

Esta não é uma versão oficial

36,513 下载

savagery 0.6.1

Ruthlessly sprites SVGs

35,973 下载

restspec 0.3.2

RSpec macros, helpers and matchers to work with APIs

34,948 下载

devise-onesignal 4.0.1

Implement user targeted cross-platform notifications with OneSignal & Devise in you...

33,925 下载

guide 0.8.0

Document your Rails application with a living component library and styleguide

32,937 下载

decisive 0.8.5

DSL for rendering CSVs from an array of objects

32,571 下载

props_template 0.35.0

PropsTemplate is a direct-to-Oj, JBuilder-like DSL for building JSON. It has support fo...

32,183 下载

is_bot 2.0.1

Simple gem to reduce the spam attacks on sign-up, sign-in and other similar sorts of fo...

31,582 下载

rails_gravatar 1.0.4

A simple gem for for generating Gravatar images and tags in a Rails environment.

30,794 下载

tilt-rails_erb 2.0.0

tilt-rails_erb adds supports ERB templates using Rails' ERB handler, which is different...

29,752 下载

lumberyak 0.1.5

LumberYak enables structured logging via JSON for any Rails application

29,712 下载

litestream 0.11.2

Integrate Litestream with the RubyGems infrastructure.

29,652 下载

litestream 0.11.2

Integrate Litestream with the RubyGems infrastructure.

29,652 下载

litestream 0.11.2

Integrate Litestream with the RubyGems infrastructure.

29,652 下载

litestream 0.11.2

Integrate Litestream with the RubyGems infrastructure.

29,652 下载

litestream 0.11.2

Integrate Litestream with the RubyGems infrastructure.

29,652 下载

hellobase 0.1.18

Ruby runtime environment for Hellobase

28,399 下载

kolor-picker 0.1.4

Integrate with kolor-picker to provide color picker and form helper.

28,046 下载

下载总量 519,762,699

这个版本 758,359




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 3.1.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
