RubyGems Navigation menu

actionview 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 actionview

killbill-litle 5.0.0

Kill Bill payment plugin for Litle & Co.

107,960 下载

api_me 0.14.1

This friendly library gives you helpers and generators to assist building RESTful API's...

104,741 下载

rails_heroicon 2.2.0

Ruby on Rails view helpers for the awesome Heroicons by Steve Schoger.

97,892 下载

daru-view 0.2.6

Daru (Data Analysis in RUby) is a library for analysis, manipulation and visualizatio...

94,644 下载

killbill-payment-test 6.0.0

Kill Bill Plugin to test the payment plugin api.

94,180 下载

dev_orbit 0.5.2

This gem integrates DEV blog interactions like comments, etc. into your Orbit workspace

84,358 下载

notification-renderer 4.0.1

Render your notifications in various contexts.

75,373 下载

webpack_manifest 0.2.4

WebpackManifest is a gem that integrates Rails with npm's webpack-manifest-plugin witho...

70,621 下载

rails-intl-tel-input 0.1.3

Integrate with intl-tel-input to provide international telephone numbers input and form...

70,566 下载

zetabot 2.1.1

Zeta is a IRC bot written in ruby using the Cinch Framework

70,330 下载

rubanok 0.5.0

Parameters-based transformation DSL

68,498 下载

html_attributes 0.1.5

html_attributes provide helper methods to convert arrays and ...

66,475 下载

killbill-cybersource 5.2.7

Kill Bill payment plugin for Cybersource.

66,131 下载

chris_lib 2.2.1

It includes maths, datetime, and rspec access test libraries.

65,736 下载

turbostreamer 1.11.0

TurboStreamer is a JBuilder-like DSL for building JSON that streams directly to a s...

61,937 下载

rouge-rails 0.2.1

Simple template handler for rouge code samples

56,576 下载

fusionary-easel_helpers 0.3.0

Fusionary Rails View Helpers

54,518 下载

ft_42 0.4.4

General information for 42 students

53,812 下载

nexmo_markdown_renderer 0.9.2

Middleware to render Markdown Documents in Nexmo Developer Platform.

52,850 下载

rails_form_builder_param_name 1.0.1

Adds a method to Rails helpers which returns the value of the name attribute on fields ...

51,533 下载

komponent 2.2.0

An opinionated way of organizing front-end code in Ruby on Rails, based on components

51,288 下载

rbexy 1.1.0

A Ruby template language inspired by JSX

51,143 下载

simple_navigation_bootstrap 1.3.0

This gem adds Bootstrap2 and Bootstrap3 renderers for SimpleNavigation

50,760 下载

cache_with_locale 0.0.3

Automatically add application locale (I18n.locale) as a part of cache key in Rails views.

49,518 下载

bit_core 1.4.7

Models, migrations, etc.

47,360 下载

nestive-rails 1.0.2

A Better Nested Inheritable Layouts Plugin for Rails 5

46,565 下载

kaminari-sinatra 1.0.1

kaminari-sinatra privides pagination helpers for your Sinatra templates

46,429 下载

rails-letsencrypt 0.11.3

The Let's Encrypt certificate manager for rails

45,117 下载

rubocop-rails-accessibility 1.0.1

Custom RuboCop rules for Rails Accessibility.

44,088 下载

vue-rails-form-builder 0.8.3

This gem provides four view helpers for Rails app: vue_form_with, vue_form_for, vue_tag...

43,770 下载

下载总量 495,129,858

这个版本 883,565



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0

新的版本需要开启多因素验证: true

使用多因素验证发布的版本: true
